If you'd like to join-print up this application-fill it out with a check made out to "Copper City Cruisers" and "snail mail" to:
Copper City Cruisers
P.O. Box 351
Rome NY 13440
Or you can now create your membership on this webpage by typing the needed information in
the spaces provided and print the completed application OR click "Submit"
and the application will be emailed to Mike Ferlo. Your application will become active when we receive your membership fees.
Before clicking "Submit" print a copy for your records. Thanks
Better yet-attend one of our monthly meetings! We look forward to having your suggestions
for activities allowing you to show off your ride! Copper City Cruisers is all about your unique automobile!
Although Copper City Cruisers is all about offering you the opportunity to display your unique automobile, owning
a car is not necessary to be an active member. You may have suggestions or talents other members that do own cars would
greatly appreciate! All you need to be a member is an appreciation of cars!
Family Membership (Husband, wife or significant other & children under the age of 16): $25.00 per year
Single membership: $20.00 per year
Associate membership: (NON-CAR OWNER): $15.00 per year